6’0 Sunset Leash Lime


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SKU: OESLS60LIM Categories: ,

Diamond-Flex moulds, stainless swivel and premium grade urethane. Advanced mould design with flex diamonds. Provides controlled flex and strong transition from mould to urethane.

PREMIUM GRADE URETHANE – Premium grade, quality urethane developed by the world’s leading manufacturer.

STAINLESS SWIVEL – Marine grade, stainless anti-corrosive free-spin swivel for tangle-free surfing.

ORIGINAL DETACHABLE RAILSAVER – The original railsaver system designed by O&E, with a sewn-in anchor cord. Protects rails and is easily detached.

PADDED STRAP – Single, padded comfort strap. Lightweight, secure fit.

WARRANTY – Guaranteed against faulty workmanship or defective materials for 12 months from the date of purchase.